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Average FatSecret member ranking Nilai Rata-rata Anggota FatSecret
oleh anggota: luvinlife09

Pumpkin Cheesecake

A smooth and delicious cheesecake for those special occasions.


Cara memasak

  1. Let cream cheese and eggs come to room temperature.
  2. Heat oven to 350 °F (175 °C). Lightly coat a 9-inch spring form pan with cooking spray.
  3. Beat cream cheese in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth.
  4. Add canned pumpkin, sweetener, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla extract and salt and beat until well blended. Add eggs one at a time, beating on a low speed just until each egg is incorporated.
  5. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake until center of cheesecake barely moves when pan is touched, about 45 minutes.
  6. Turn off oven, open oven door, and cool cheesecake in open oven for 30 minutes.
  7. Remove cheesecake from oven. Run a knife around outside edge. Cool at room temperature. Cover and chill at least 8 hours.
  8. Note: serve with whipped topping if desired.
175 anggota telah menambahkan resep ini ke buku masak mereka

Tinjau kembali 
This sounds really good.I need to try it!
user vote
19 Mar 13 oleh anggota: yankgal46
I used 16oz fat free cream cheese and 8oz of regular just to cut out some of the fat. I tasted the batter before adding the eggs and thought it needed to be sweeter so I added a dropper full of liquid stevia. Let it set in the fridge and ate it for dessert the follwoing evening with a dollop of cool whip. It was delicious!
user vote
04 Nov 12 oleh anggota: Mokakiss
Made enough for two cheesecakes*
user vote
06 Sep 12 oleh anggota: smrowmrow
cheesecakes. ( I didn't have a small enough spring pan so I just used a pie tin). The directions were really helpful. I also highly recommend the letting it set in the fridge for 8 hours step. It really makes the difference so it sets up and the texture is like real cheesecake.
user vote
06 Sep 12 oleh anggota: smrowmrow
I don't own a spring form pan. Is there another type of pan I can use?
user vote
28 Agu 12 oleh anggota: angiekae68


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Kirim Resep

Ringkasan Gizi:

Terdapat 277kalori dalam 1 porsi Pumpkin Cheesecake.
Rincian Kalori: 81% lemak, 8% karb, 11% prot.

Informasi Gizi
Ukuran Porsi
per porsi
per porsi
1157 kj
276 kkal
Lemak Jenuh
Lemak Trans
Lemak tak Jenuh Ganda
Lemak tak Jenuh Tunggal
dari AKG*
(276 kal)
14% AKG
Rincian Kalori:
Karbohidrat (8%)
Lemak (81%)
Protein (11%)
*Berdasarkan AKG dari 2000 kalori

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