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I've already failed in my resolve to stop watching the news. Turned on the TV this morning thinking I'd watch shows I've recorded. But the channel was set to the local news and they were talking about counties reopening. So I wanted to know what was going on. As far as I know, California hasn't yet changed the stay at home order. But it looks like some counties are deciding they want to start opening now. And so many people want to go to the beaches. I understand that. I've been missing my trips to the Mendocino coast (where there are no crowded beaches at least when I've been there). So I'll just try to watch less news overall and see where I end up.
I know that even if the stay at home order is lifted, I will stay at home until I feel safe to go out more. I am lucky I am retired and can do what I want to do. People who work really have no choice if their employer wants them back or if they are self employed and need to work. I've been grateful for people who are still working. My air conditioning isn't working right and I was able to get the people out here who installed it to work on fixing it. Hopefully the part that needs replacing will be here and the A/C will work again when the next heat wave hits in a few days. Also grateful for the people at the grocery store and the local veterinarian who takes such good care of Callie.

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1 sampai 20 dari 22
Hope you have a good morning. I think opening may work if we take baby steps and people are still careful. Yeah so much to be grateful for and so many who have been on the frontlines! a bit of opening happening here as well starting Monday but mostly essential services like dentist, optometrists and chiropractors and the like. And then we will go from there I guess.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: liv001
Oh lord, Air conditioning is a must in Florida 95% of the year!!!! I hope it gets fixed soon!!!  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Maine coon
I follow the recommendations of scientists not politicians. Just because some guy stands in front of a microphone and says it's time to open up society doesn't make it so. CV-19 listens to no man. 
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: shirfleur 1
What we do will likely be determined by how much spread there are where we are and if we are in a high risk group for severe complications. I will keep my appointments. Both politicians and scientists where I am say we are ready to try to take our baby steps and live in what may be our new "normal" until a vaccine has been found. 
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: liv001
An old friend and i have both decided that we will play the "age card" and keep working from home until we feel comfortable. We work at the same company. She brought me some egg cartons the other night and i gave her a dozen fresh eggs and talked in my driveway yesterday. They are re-opening based on economics rather than science. I am thankful i am able to work from home. Agreed baby steps. They are able to do more testing and that alone will raise the numbers i want to go slow at this and watch the numbers and what the docs are saying.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: wholefoodnut
Agreed Bill, many people do not plan and have little or no emergency back up.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: wholefoodnut
I am 60, recently retired, have some health issues but none on the "list" they say make you vulnerable. I will be staying home a lot... which is not going to be a big change for me. I am not a shopper, bar hopper, movie goer, gym rat, we don't eat out a lot and I cut my own hair. Spending the time just enjoying the company of each other.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: crazycatchick
They just opened up restaurants and retail, as well as malls in my state. With all the kids who live with their grandparents and extended family here, I think it's waaay too early to open up. Maybe it's too early to tell. I guess we'll see. 
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: ouchmybigtoe
Crazy catchick, being 70 and having asthma. Ilike many with compromised lungs if i get a respiratory bug it is automatically at least bronchitis. I have had all the pneumonia shots because i used to get it multiple times a year. This covid can turn into a pneumonia that is not covered by those vacines. One reason why so many of us have to be careful.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: wholefoodnut
Wholefoodnut i agree with your philosophy. As i said before the only people i am interested in hearing from is the Dr. Fauci, CDC, and the Guardian online is a real eye opener, but i try to read the Guardian once a day. 
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Maine coon
thanks Liv - don't know if the dentists are open here or not. But I had finally set up an appointment for a gastroenterologist and it was many weeks out. It was set for next week and I had planned on calling to reschedule but the doctor's office called me first to say the doctor wasn't seeing patients in his office and I could either talk to him on the phone, video conference or reschedule. I rescheduled for July since I haven't been having gallbladder pain. I did notice more cars on the road than I expected when I went to the grocery store last week. People are getting restless. MaineCoon - the A/C is a must here as well. It was close to 90 for a couple days, now we are comfortable in the 70's but usually above 90 all summer. Shirfleur - I agree with you about who to listen to. I do watch the governor's press conference for about 10 minutes a couple times a week (California) but the daily virus press conferences were hard to watch - they went on for hours. I would mute the TV and put the sound back on when I'd see a doctor talking. Draglist - I agree! Wholefoodnut - I can understand both the medical and economic side of this. I feel lucky I can choose to stay home. The medical part wins out for me, even if I was still working. Crazycat - I also don't have any medical issues that put me on the vulnerable list other than my weight. I do worry about the allergies though, thinking the virus might be worse if I got it while suffering from allergies. Ouch - they haven't opened the restaurants or malls yet here. But some counties are going to try slowly opening. I think most people in my area would stay out of the malls and restaurants anyway. Thanks everyone! I have watched a little bit of the news today, but not much. Instead I did more housework than normal - never a favorite pastime.  
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Fritzy 22
dentists can only do emergency stuff. mine called last week, they don't know when that will change. 
02 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Katsolo
Hey, girl! How are you doing? I'm trying to keep away from the news. But reading some stuff.  
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: melissatwa
I watch about 5 mins news and have to turn it off. It seems so full of... yeah, enough of that.  
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: FullaBella
Have a super week Fritzy! 🙂🙂🙂🍒🍓🍡 I hear what you are saying, i get all the county, fema reports, and have manage to click on the Guardian 2x a day vs 10! 
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Maine coon
I'm doing fine everyone. Just not with my eating, so I haven't been here much. I've only been to the grocery store 3 times in the past 8 weeks so have some fresh produce for a few days and then it's back to the packaged stuff in the pantry until the next trip to the store (which I try to avoid). Have to figure out how to eat better than I am. Maybe I'll stock up on Lean Cuisines or something like that. I've started watching the news again, more than I want but I'm bored and I like the TV on. And I've already seen every episode of Law and Order and Monk and everything else on the few channels I get now. Somehow I managed to hurt my back and sometimes it hurts so bad I just don't move for hours so have been away from the computer. Hopefully it will get better soon. The heating pad helps. 
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Fritzy 22
Ahhh... Hope you feel better soon. Sore backs are the worst. Do not worry that much about the food. We are hanging in there as best we can 
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: liv001
Glad you’re okay.  
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: Katsolo
I'm so glad to hear from you, but your back hurting so much doesn't sound "fine." Thankfully, they most often heal up with some rest and gentle moving. I'm so sorry that life is so strange and crazy. Being careful as possible at this time is good. Having healthy and good food in your house is really important even if you have lots of frozen veggies and fruit. I am glad you can enjoy your indoor and outdoor critters. Hang in there, dear! ❤️  
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: melissatwa
I used to love watching the news and surfing my facebook. Those things no longer give me as much enjoyment as they used to either. At least my instagram is not too out of control! And Draglist, you nailed it.  
14 Mei 20 oleh anggota: jazzylittleone


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