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totally fell apart last week with my BF going out of town and Turkey Day and having my daughters home! Back on track. Strictly writing things down and going to adjust what I eat to more controlled portions.

Thought I would pull it together, but even with my BF gone, I do no housework, go to bed late, and get up late! Even forgot to set my alarm two days in a row.

Hope you are having a great week!

Lihat Kalender Diet, 27 November 2012:
620 kkal Lemak: 24,62g | Prot: 27,76g | Karb: 84,93g.   Makan Pagi: Coffee with Skim Milk. Makan Siang: kiwi, lite mozzarella cheese, hummus, Whole Wheat Bread. Camilan/Lainnya: Original Corn Chips, brownie. lagi...
2404 kkal Latihan: Senam (Berat, Misalnya Push Up) - 1 jam, Tidur - 8 jam dan 30 menit, Istirahat - 14 jam dan 30 menit. lagi...


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