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You've got the bar loaded, gripped tight, your shoulders screwed into the bench, feet and butt planted firmly, your back is arched, chest is high... you lift the bar off the rack and lower it towards your chest... you struggle for all of 2 seconds before you realize it's not going up.

You let out a cry for help and a nearby lifter comes to your rescue.

You're as embarrassed as you've ever been that you've just failed your lift.

However, you didn't actually fail... you attempted and struggled. You still stressed your muscles which will cause them to eventually be able to move that weight. You didn't achieve what you set out to do this time, but just consider it practice... and get a spotter next time lol.

The point is, we find our "comfy weights" and our "comfy exercises" that we know we can crush and look great doing them... we don't want to change.

But if you wanna grow stronger and develop more, your muscles require a stimulus greater than the previous workout. They require a constant challenge! Their default is laziness. They wanna do the least work possible and let other muscles help out when they can. No, I'm not talking about that "muscle confusion" BS lol. More like:

You can't do an exercise? You hate doing that dreaded exercise? You feel like a wuss doing that exercise?

That's nice, dear.

Afraid that adding weight on an exercise will feel too challenging and hurt your numbers? Intimidated by adding weights to that lift? Happy just doing more reps?

That's nice, dear.

As the old saying goes, "you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

This is how we stop spinning our wheels and actually grow.

There's a reason everyone doesn't have a "beach body": it takes effort - A SH*TLOAD OF EFFORT! Oh, and patience... it doesn't happen overnight.

If you just wanna lose weight, you don't need exercise to do that. But once you begin to see you're literally "skin and bones" because you haven't got much muscle after "the big reveal" - you'll need to do some work (or just be content with your skinny physique...) when you could've been doing it all along.

Been there. Done that. 3 years of lifting later and I'm not even halfway to where I wanna end up.

It. Takes. A. Long. Time.

Just enjoy the ride and the extra calories! 😊


Lihat Kalender Diet, 29 Juni 2021:
2949 kkal Lemak: 94,26g | Prot: 155,35g | Karb: 379,28g.   Makan Pagi: General Mills Lucky Charms Treats, Kellogg's Special K Protein Meal Bar - Strawberry, Smucker's Sugar Free Strawberry Preserves, Maple Grove Farms Sugar Free Maple Syrup, Kodiak Cakes Buttermilk & Maple Flapjack on The Go, Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Milk, Dunkin' Donuts Caramel Macchiato Cereal, Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Vanilla (150g). Setelah Sarapan: Coffee (Brewed From Grounds), Optimum Nutrition Micronized Creatine Powder, BSN Amino X, Gatorade Zero Lemon-Lime. Sebelum Makan Siang: Tillamook Oregon Hazelnut & Salted Caramel Ice Cream, Skinless Chicken Breast, Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Vanilla (150g), Stubb's Bar-B-Q Sauce Original. Makan Malam: Kikkoman Teriyaki Sauce, Mae Ploy Sweet Chilli Sauce, Smucker's Sugar Free Strawberry Preserves, Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Vanilla (150g), John Soules Foods Chicken Nuggets, Better'n Eggs Better'n Eggs, Butter (Salted), Cooked Peas and Carrots (from Canned), Basmati Rice. Setelah Makan Malam: Vitafusion MultiVites Gummy Vitamins, Vitafusion Energy B12 Gummy Vitamins. lagi...
3051 kkal Latihan: Berbelanja - 15 menit, Tidur - 8 jam, Istirahat - 4 jam dan 45 menit, Pekerjaan Rumah Tangga - 1 jam, Memasak - 45 menit, Angkat Besi - 1 jam dan 15 menit, Pekerjaan Kebun (Berkebun) - 1 jam, Mandi - 45 menit, Mengemudi - 1 jam dan 15 menit, Duduk - 5 jam. lagi...

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1 sampai 20 dari 68
You are such a good writer, Chris! You could have a column in a fitness magazine! The kick I need! But... What if you are afraid of hurting yourself? I'm just getting my strength back from the last injury that stopped my progress for so long. Balance??? Pushing but carefully? 😁  
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: melissatwa
yes about the writing and also Melissa's questions. Where's the line between pushing yourself and putting an idiotic amount of weight on and getting crushed under it? 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: LaughingChevre
Good questions! I’d love to answer, but it is a thin line and you have to listen to your body. The reading I’ve done says you should go for 90% of your complete burn out. Knowing when that last rep is coming so you stop is a bit of an art. Building slowly is key, but you have to build and not just keep curling the same 5 lb weight and not feeling any exhaustion. Like Chris said the other day, do your reps, get to 12 to 15 and increase the weight by 5-10 lbs for major lifts, 2-5 lbs for smaller muscles. Don’t do what I’ve done and put an extra 20 or 40 on the bar when the last set you did was pretty challenging 😂 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: love2educate
Oh, how I needed to hear this today! I have a new pull-up bar and I cannot do EVEN ONE PULL-UP! Not even one chin-up! So every time I pass under that durn bar, I stop and try to do one. It's killin' me that I can't do it. I thought I was pretty strong - I guess not! I now know that if I were to find myself hanging from a ledge, I wouldn't be able to pull myself up and would for sure fall and die! 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: larilyn
Larilyn, I have not attempted a pull-up recently and only do assisted pull-ups with a lot of assistance (lol). My husband was shocked a couple years ago that I could only dangle and not pull myself up to the bar in our bedroom. Good advice Love2educate. I did bicep curls until I had tears in my eyes today. Still frightened of barbell squats. 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: LaughingChevre
Start with the bar for squats. Get down good form and practice, practice, practice! When you fee really good about your form, add 10 lbs. Do it again, make sure the form doesn’t give. You’ll be on your way!!! Bicep tears are the worst! 🤣 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: love2educate
IME "Technical Failure" almost always precedes/foreshadows actual failure and/or injury. The answer (IMHO) to the question of how to best mitigate injury risk while simultaneously practicing the progressive overload Chris is advocating is to end your set when you reach "technical failure." Have a visual technical standard to which you aspire/adhere for each lift. (I have a benchmark clip on my phone for every major lift.) Perfect your form, bar speed, and cues with light weight to that standard. Demand the same perfection of form of yourself as you add weight to the bar. Monitor yourself via video, lifting partner, spotter, coach, and/or mirror. If you want to understand how technical failure presents, observe the squat rack. That dude with his knees splayed half squatting 3 plates? Technical failure. Same for the guys grinding in slow motion out of the hole, rounding back, bent over at the waist, etc.  
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: jimmiepop
Lots of good advice here.  
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: LaughingChevre
JP puts it very well here. 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: love2educate
I have always liked the saying "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you!" That is my little motto I have in my signature. 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: CindiBlevins
One more thought wrt fear of "getting crushed under the bar." I get it. I was there with my squat last night. Had to remind myself - - You can always dump the bar. Decided how I would bail before I got under. Ideally dumping should be practiced, like any other skill. Not saying I do, but I should. You can find technique tutorials on the YouTubes. Dead's a simple drop obv. Same for Press, just step back out of the way. Squats a little tougher, but you can bail either front or back. Bench is the hardest, but also manageable solo by tightening up and rolling the bar down your bod. Not a great look, but not the end of the world.  
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: jimmiepop
thanks jimmiepop. not going to give up on the squat just yet. 
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: LaughingChevre
I really appreciate the contributions! jimmiepop, thinking of "technical fail" is going to help me. That is perfect and clicks with my brain! 😁  
29 Jun 21 oleh anggota: melissatwa
Chris, that goes for cleaning the house too! If the house isn’t clean it’s embarrassing and there are many spotters. Cleaning is a constant challenge, many don’t conquer it for they find their comfy spot on the recliner! It is just laziness, they want to do the least possible effortless chore and let others pick up the slack! You hate cleaning the house, you dread cleaning the house, you just can’t clean the house cus your a wuss! It takes effort and there’s a reason not everyone has a clean house. It can be a challenge, but just do it! You can do it!😆 Chris, I have been around very skinny models and I have seen skinny models that work out at a gym and their definition is to die for, what a difference! Plus, as you stated, they can eat!👍 Great post sorry I did a "Weird Al" take on it.😁 
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: Shrewdness
Needed this reminder today to get out of the comfort zone and not be scared of the big weights.  
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: HolisticallyHealthy
So laaame that I couldn't even finish reading it. 
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: davidsprincess
I love that my posts are "set it and forget it". I just put it out there and we have such an awesome community that are all capable of answering the questions!  
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: chrisw77
thanks, needed that pep talk. 
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: carol655
I'm no pro. I just regurgitate all the info I've picked up from various internet folks and FS friends along the way. I just compile it and give it back to everyone in order to (as Diablo put it to me) "give you what I wish I had when I started".  
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: chrisw77
What I love the most is it's the whole spectrum: from beginners to experts on FS - all able to ask questions and share advice/experiences! Some works, some not so much. Take it or leave it, this place has been a game-changer for me and many others! Love you guys! ❤ 💪😊🤘 
30 Jun 21 oleh anggota: chrisw77


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