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Jurnal cindylynnwho, 06 Jan 08

still sick today. but today was really productive, and I didn't eat too much. I'm pleased with my eating. I am concerned I'm drinking too much soymilk, however. like 4 servings in a day is a tad too much. I need to cut down. of course, I guess there was rice milk in there, too, so that makes it better. i tried to cut down on exercise so I wouldn't be as hungry. i tried to go down to my old plan of breaking it into two 15 minute sessions (the theory being that, as supposedly proven in some research study, breaking it up helps you burn twice as many calories, so its like you exercised an hour). but my first session was 20 mins and the second, 45. so i actually exercised *more*! I just hope I'm not too hungry tonight. I hate it when that interferes with my sleep, and I don't have much interesting and healthy to snack on. a banana if necessary. but i'm good for now. I'm pleased with my progress. But I made the mistake of telling Danny about my strategy and had to listen to him tell me why he thinks its all wrong. well, you know what, we may be the same weight, but i'm on my way down and he's on his way up, so whose method is awesome? ;)

Lihat Kalender Diet, 06 Januari 2008:
2005 kkal Lemak: 80,22g | Prot: 115,49g | Karb: 227,36g.   Makan Pagi: onion, feta cheese, jam, eggs, spinach raw, olive oil. Makan Siang: lemon juice, broccoli, pesto, salmon. Makan Malam: agave nectar, margarine, winter squash, shrimp. Camilan/Lainnya: almonds, edenblend, tlc cookie, banana, perfectly protein vanilla chai tea with soy protein. lagi...
3184 kkal Latihan: Kerjaan Kantoran (Dibalik Meja) - 5 jam, Pekerjaan Rumah Tangga - 2 jam, Berjalan (Sedang) - 5 km/jam - 45 menit, Peregangan (Yoga) - 10 menit, Senam (Ringan, Misalnya Latihan Di Rumah) - 10 menit, Tidur - 8 jam, Istirahat - 7 jam dan 35 menit, Tari (Gerak Cepat, Aerobik) - 20 menit. lagi...


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