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Database makanan dan penghitung kalori Jenis Merek: Produsen Makanan


Informasi Kalori dan Gizi untuk produk populer dari WRP:

Item PopulerUkuran PorsiKalori
Meal Replacement Coklat 1 porsi (54g) 210 kkal
Chocolate Chip Cookies (30g) 1 bungkus (30g) 130 kkal
WRP on The Go Rasa Coklat 3 sendok makan (200ml) 140 kkal
Cookies 1 bungkus (20g) 100 kkal
Edam Cheese Cookies 1 serving (30g) 140 kkal
Lose Weight 1 sachet (54g) 210 kkal
Deli Chips 1 bungkus (20g) 100 kkal
Jelly Drink 1 porsi (200ml) 35 kkal
Meal Replacement Strawberry 1 bungkus (54g) 210 kkal
WRP Everyday 110 1 porsi (30g) 110 kkal
Diet Tea 1 cangkir (3g) 10 kkal
Susu 100g 220 kkal
WRP Everyday 140 1 porsi (35g) 140 kkal
Chocolate Chip Cookies (20g) 1 bungkus (20g) 100 kkal
WRP Everyday 200 1 gelas (50g) 200 kkal
On The Go Original 1 kotak (200ml) 110 kkal
WRP on The Go Stroberi 1 porsi (200ml) 150 kkal
WRP Active Body Shape Chococino 1 bedak wangi (39g) 150 kkal
WRP Everyday Vanilla 2 sendok makan (30g) 110 kkal
WRP On The Go 1 sachet (200ml) 150 kkal

Jenis produk WRP yang lebih terkenal:
Bubuk Protein Cokelat Cookies Keju
Keripik Kopi Makanan Ringan Minuman
Minuman Bergizi Susu Susu Skim Teh

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